Thanks for your interest in beta testing Typesetterr. What’s a Beta Tester? Someone who tests a product over a period of time, while leaving feedback and receiving that product for free.

Beta testing Typesetterr means, you’ll be given a Pro account with full access capable of using every feature such as Formatterr, and can use that account for personal or business use without ever needing to pay. You get the power of Typesetterr, and the ability to shape its future!


  1. Create a free account
  2. Email, [email protected], Subject: Beta Tester
  3. Tell us how you’re planning to use Typesetterr
  4. Include any relevant social media account(s) or additional information you think is useful
  5. Response is usually 1 week for approval
  6. Writer on!

How long do I have access to Beta Testing?

Do I have to pay after Beta Testing?

Do I have to test everything, all the time?